December 19th, 2011

During our annual holiday trek around downtown Seattle this month, I shot a few photos of my niece in the low light of the Teddy Bear Suite at the Fairmont Olympic Hotel. With the flash off, a little creative staging, and the ambient lighting calling the shots, we managed to turn a jolly holiday scene into something a bit more creepy.

December 9th, 2011

Another fantastic holiday Gingerbread Village display at the Seattle Sheraton this year. The theme was “Holiday Express” and we were all amazed at what these fine chefs and artists could create using candy! We saw a surfin’ Santa, the abominable snow monster, short yellow minions celebrating the holiday, and much more.

Our favorite “houses” included King’s Cross Station from the Harry Potter books/movies and the toy train from The Island of Misfit Toys.

And the youngest member of our group was completely delighted to see that each display featured his favorite things in the world: trains!


December 2nd, 2011

Pride and Prejudice by ~Mordaunt on deviantART

My nephew and I have been experimenting with clay lately. We’ve started with air-dry clay and have created some amazing items. While looking to expand into polymer clay, I found these amazingly detailed and lovely Elizabeth Bennett and Mr. Darcy (Pride and Prejudice) dolls made from polymer clay. Wonderful! Definitely something to work towards as we continue our clay creations.


November 20th, 2011

Muppets Tolkien Mashup by *andyjhunter on deviantART


September 19th, 2011

“Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
Because they can spend years at C!”


Arrr, mateys! Did ya know it be International Talk Like a Pirate Day today? Aye, ’tis and we be eager ta join the fun! Ah, we’re not experts at “pirate-speak” yet but it is quite funny to try! This made up holiday began in 1995 by John Baur and Mark Summers and quickly became an international sensation.

Ready for more Talk Like a Pirate Day fun? Try these sites:

And we found some cute and funny pirate art over at Zazzle. This is just a small sampling!

September 8th, 2011

I stumbled across this great video of Antarctica recently. I love how it shows so much of the beautiful scenery intermingled with what it is like to live there.


August 19th, 2011

In our family we believe summertime just isn’t complete without an afternoon enjoying watermelon! So juicy and sweet…definitely watermelon YUM! My little sheep and panda friends also love watermelon and I’ve created some cute little products featuring these designs.
