December 9th, 2011

Another fantastic holiday Gingerbread Village display at the Seattle Sheraton this year. The theme was “Holiday Express” and we were all amazed at what these fine chefs and artists could create using candy! We saw a surfin’ Santa, the abominable snow monster, short yellow minions celebrating the holiday, and much more. Our favorite “houses” included [...]

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December 29th, 2010

Our annual family Christmas outing to downtown Seattle was a wonderful day this year. It was the baby’s first year with us and our niece joined us again. It was a whirlwind day of Teddy Bear Suite, Seattle Center, Westlake carousel and, of course, our favorite part: the gingerbread houses at the Seattle Sheraton. This [...]

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December 13th, 2010

About this time every year, I force the family to join me in an afternoon of messy edible fun decorating something made of gingerbread. Sometimes it’s a gingerbread house…one year it was a gingerbread train…and another year it was a gingerbread Christmas tree. This year we decorated gingerbread boys and girls. I used the word [...]

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December 1st, 2010

We are quite fond of gingerbread people here in the Mitchell household. It’s one of our favorite holiday traditions. We found some wonderful gingerbread people designs over at that are on the top of our wish lists! We really like the dissected gingerbread man and the gingerbread man with the “no-bite-himself” collar. Too cute! [...]

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January 21st, 2010

This is one of my first knitting projects. Created five or so years ago at the request of my teen-aged niece who wanted a Christmasy scarf. The scarf is made from a variegated three-color yarn with a bit of gold sparkle thrown in (I forget the manufacturer). It is quite long and thinner in the [...]

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