It’s hard to believe I’ve been reading for so many years and have never read Agatha Christie’s Miss Marple series all the way through. I do remember reading the first several way back when and enjoying them but I’m a little chagrined that a mystery-lovin’ book addict like myself has never finished such a classic [...]
My newest nephew (born the end of last summer) still loves to be swaddled when he naps or goes to sleep for the night. Unfortunately, most swaddling blankets you can buy in the store are meant for younger babies and my nephew is also big for his age. So his mum asked me to whip [...]
Enjoyed watching the movie Larry Crowne on DVD today. It was laugh-out-loud funny in parts…very sweet and definitely inspiring. Well-written story, great acting, and just plain fun to watch. I enjoyed seeing Larry meet all kinds of interesting people and learn to love his new life. I’ve known folks in his exact situation…some have chosen [...]
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Muppets: Kermit and Fozzy Bento by ~mindfire3927 on deviantART TOP: Kermit (kiwi, asian pear, nori details), rainbow (pickled radish/food color), shredded carrot. BOTTOM: Fozzy (riceball, unagi furikake, radish/nori details, potato hat), sauteed brussels with pecans.