“Why does it take pirates so long to learn the alphabet?
Because they can spend years at C!”
- PirateJokes.net
Arrr, mateys! Did ya know it be International Talk Like a Pirate Day today? Aye, ’tis and we be eager ta join the fun! Ah, we’re not experts at “pirate-speak” yet but it is quite funny to try! This made up holiday began in 1995 by John Baur and Mark Summers and quickly became an international sensation.
Ready for more Talk Like a Pirate Day fun? Try these sites:
- The Original Talk Like a Pirate Day site>>
- A seafull of pirate jokes (PirateJokes.net)>>
- Video tutorial for talking like a pirate “The Five A’s” (YouTube)>>
- Pirate Talk, Lingo & Words (The Pirates Realm)>>
And we found some cute and funny pirate art over at Zazzle. This is just a small sampling!